Freelance Radar Q4 2023

Nov 8, 2023 Oct 23, 2023 - Nov 5, 2023 492 participants
In our "Freelance Radar" survey from the fourth quarter of 2023, 492 members of our community answered our questions about their current project situation, their hourly rate, their current skills and their business prospects.

The results show that the current project situation remains relatively poor for many freelancers: 41% of respondents say that things are worse than at the same time last year, while only 22% say that the project situation is better.

When asked about their current hourly rate, it is clear that the majority of respondents (65%) charge between €80 and €109 per hour. The average is around €92, a slight increase of €1 compared to the last quarter.

In terms of the skills and technologies that freelancers currently use in client projects, React.js (18%), TypeScript (15%), PHP (13%), Java (11%) and Vue.js (11%).

When asked where they have mainly done their work recently, 78% of respondents answered "mainly at home". Only 12% work mainly in a coworking space or a shared or own office, 2% at the client's premises, and for 8% it is a mix of the different options.

When asked about project acquisition, more than a quarter of respondents (28%) stated that they had not acquired any new clients in the last 3 months. 26% found their clients via their own network, 19% via recruitment agencies and 14% via online platforms. Only 2% cite direct approach as their main acquisition channel and for 10% it is a mix of several options.

39% of respondents see their business prospects as very or somewhat positive and 29% as very or somewhat negative, with the remainder of respondents expecting the business situation to remain the same. This was not the case last quarter, when 57% stated a very or somewhat positive business outlook and only 15% a somewhat negative outlook. There are therefore many more freelancers who are rather pessimistic about the next 6 months, which could have something to do with the crisis in the Middle East, which has intensified considerably since the last survey.

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The combined results of this survey can be downloaded here:

Download results

Current project situation

Is your current project situation better or worse than at the same time last year?

Current hourly rate

What is your current hourly rate?

Skills and technologies

What skills and technologies have you worked with lately?

Work location

Where have you been doing most of your work lately?

Project acquisition

Which channels have you used to acquire new clients recently?

Business outlook

How do you expect your project situation to develop in the next time?

Your age

How old are you?

Your gender

Which gender do you identify as?

Experience as freelancer

How long have you been a freelancer?
Due to rounding, the presented numbers may not add up precisely to the totals provided, and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures.