Remote Community Meetup, Mar 17, 2020

Mar 17, 2020
19:00 - 22:00

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we had to cancel this month’s Community Meetup in Berlin. But someone (namely Manuel Bieh) had the idea of having a “remote meetup” via video chat instead. So let’s give it a try! 😎

We’ll use Jitsi, an open-source alternative to Google Hangouts & co.
Join the meetup by simply opening this URL in your browser:
If that doesn’t work tomorrow, we’ll post an alternative link in the #uplink channel in Slack.

It would be great to have a few short (5-10 min) talks/presentations!
Manuel Bieh will tell us about his experience writing a book about React.js.
If you have a topic you’d like to talk about (something you’re working on, something you recently learned, etc.), please ping me in Slack!

And of course don’t forget to have a few beers handy for the real “Craft Beer Meetup” feeling! đŸ»

See you tomorrow,