"IPAs & APIs" Freelancer Meetup, Hamburg, May 11, 2022

May 11, 2022
17:30 - 22:00

We are looking forward to our first Freelancer Meetup in a long time in the Hanseatic City! 😃

Join us on Wednesday, May 11, at Malto Bar, starting at 17:30!
Feel free to come later as it suits you, we’ll be there until at least 22:00.
As always, it will be a relaxed evening to meet with other freelancers over a beer or two, without any talks or other programs. 🍻

Unfortunately Malto currently has no food on offer, so please eat something on your way! 🍔

Our plan is to host the meetups in Hamburg (besides Berlin and Munich) regularly again from now on and to also invite freelancers who are not (yet) Uplink members! 😄
Therefore: “spread the word” and invite also friends and colleagues! 📣

If you are a member of Uplink, the first two drinks are on us!
Just find someone from the Uplink team to get your two “Beer Tokens” to redeem at the bar for one drink each. 🪙🪙

We look forward to seeing you! 😄