CTO / Full-stack developer

Client The client has developed an online market place for online real estate investments.
Category Tech » Fullstack
Uplink fee 10% for 12 months More info
Job type Recruiter More info

Our client operates an online real estate platform that provides mezzanine capital for financing construction plans of project developers as well as real estate loans.
Your job will be to do a handover with the current CTO and then take over his tasks on site in Berlin.
- experience Javascript/jQuery
- experience with Symfony, Laravel, Bootstrap, Vue.js, Docker, Ansible and AWS services like S3 or EC2 is an advantage
- experience with MySQL and using Composer as well as version management in Git

Must have skills
Amazon Web Services, Docker, Laravel, Symfony, Vue.js

Start date
Earliest: asap
Latest: Aug 31, 2021

3-6 months


Not possible

Language requirements

90-110€ per hour
incl. Uplink fee

Onsite locations

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