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Referring clients and freelancers made easier

Manuel Meurer
7. Sep 2021 2 Minuten
Today, we’re launching referral links, which enable our members to easily refer clients and freelancers to Uplink. We’re also increasing the reward for referring clients, and introducing a reward for referring freelancers.

Our members’ feedback and recommendations, whether it’s potential clients, new freelancers, meetup locations, or new features for our platform, have been at the core of Uplink from the very beginning! It’s an overstrained saying, but we wouldn’t be where we are without our members! 😄

Especially client recommendations have been extremely helpful over the years! The relationships with those clients almost always got off to a great start and some of our best clients were introduced by our members. Therefore, we set up a referral program for new clients early on and paid each member 300€, if we managed to place a freelancer with a client they introduced.

Recently, though, many members have asked for a simpler way to recommend Uplink to their clients by means of a referral link, which we’re finally launching today! 🚀

To find your personal referral link, simply log in to the member area - it’s right there on the dashboard. Any requests from new clients or freelancers made on our website within 30 days after clicking on your link will count as referred by you!

We are also increasing the reward to recommending a new client: until today, you received 300€ only if we managed to place a freelancer with the client, otherwise nothing. But what if the client had a great job but we didn’t find the right candidate in time? Today, we’re changing it so that you’ll get 250€ as soon as the client’s job is published, and another 250€ if we manage to place a freelancer.

Moreover, we’re also introducing a monthly raffle to reward members who recommend new freelancers - at the beginning of each month, we’ll draw a lucky winner amongst everyone, who referred at least one freelancer in the previous month. The price is a craft beer package, a geeky gadget of their choice, or an Uplink t-shirt (coming soon).

More details about referring clients and freelancers can be found in our Knowledge Base!