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Xmas Donations 2021

Manuel Meurer
3. Dez 2021 2 Minuten
Just like every year, we’d like to use the Christmas season to give something back by supporting some charitable organizations, and involve our members in the process! 😄

This is how it works: from suggestions from our community, we picked four organizations we’d like to support, and each member gets 5€ (in virtual currency) that they can allocate among them. We (Uplink) will then — after Christmas, when everybody has had the chance to participate — sum up the allocated amounts and donate the money to these organizations.

These are the organizations we will support this year:

A Bowl of Compassion e.V.

A Bowl of Compassion has set itself the goal of helping poor and needy people in India. To this end, the association runs a soup kitchen in the city of Bodhgaya and enables children in the region to receive a school education, regardless of religion, caste, gender or origin.


FragDenStaat fights for freedom of information - with lawsuits, campaigns and investigative research. Through the website, anyone can submit inquiries about Germany’s information laws, and all questions and answers are transparently documented on the site. The goal is to establish a culture of freedom of information in Germany and to strengthen the underlying laws.

Queer Lexikon e.V.

Queer Lexikon e.V. is a contact point for lesbian, gay, bi+sexual, a_sexual, a_romantic, trans, non-binary, inter*, polyamorous and queer youth and children from rainbow families. Through an online encyclopedia, an anonymous ask box, podcasts, videos, and more, the association provides teens and young adults with free, comprehensive, non-discriminatory, and easily accessible information about sexual and gender diversity, the queer community, and coming out.

Traglinge e.V.

Traglinge e.V. consists of a team of nurses, social pedagogues and psychologists who support families with seriously ill children. Since 2009, the association has been working with families in Berlin and Brandenburg and given affected families the strength to follow their own path with a child’s serious illness.

If you’re already a Uplink member, you can take part in the member area.
If you’re not a member yet, join us! 😁