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Start and redesign of our Remote Community Meetups

Manuel Meurer
2. Jun 2020 2 Minuten
With our “Remote Community Meetup” concept we are already entering the 8th round. We came up with the idea, as it was no longer possible for us to meet face-to-face due to the Corona situation. We are very happy that freelancers can network with each other remotely and that we can exchange ideas with you in times of social distancing!

How can I imagine a “Remote Community Meetup”?

Similar to our event series “ IPAs & APIs - Community Meetup”, the members of our community come together in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss current topics and network with each other. The cold drinks have to be arranged by each member individually. 😊

After testing various platforms and discussions with some members of our community, we decided on using Jitsi for the meetups, and we share the link to participate a few days before the event in our #announcements Slack channel.

We collect topics in advance on a virtual ideaboard, where every participant has the possibility to suggest topics they are interested in. Even if you can’t give any input on a certain topic, you can learn from other members of the community and find suitable sparring partners. So far, we could always discuss all suggested topics. If we cannot discuss a topic during a meetup, we will just include it in the next meetup.

We love the concept and the fact that it’s possible to network and exchange information in a decentralized way! Also, for us the format of the Remote Meetups was completely new, and we learned a lot in the last weeks and therefore we decided to improve the previous format a bit.

What’s new?

Up until now, the meetups took place every 14 days in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. We would like to maintain this approach, but from now on we will organize the meetup only once a month and structure the schedule a bit more.


To give each meetup a thematic focus, we would like to provide 2-3 short theoretical inputs of about 10-15 minutes. Either this input comes from one of our partners, from a community member, or from us. If you are interested in presenting something, we would like to reward you with a token of gratitude! Just contact us directly, so we can discuss together if your idea is suitable for this format.

When is the next meetup?

The next meetup is expected to take place in week 27 that starts on June 29.

To be notified, simply follow us on LinkedIn or, if you’re already a Uplink member, make sure you have enabled email notifications for online events.