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Announcing our cooperation with DBITS

Manuel Meurer
2. Dez 2020 2 Minuten
We are very excited to announce our cooperation with DBITS (Deutscher Bundesverband Informationstechnologie für Selbständige e.V.) and thereby to be able to represent our members’ interests even better by working on common topics.

Who is DBITS and what do they do?

DBITS is a self-organized association that represents the interests of freelance IT experts on a social and political basis. The members actively work for better economic and legal conditions as a counterweight to already established interest groups. DBITS has a broad spectrum of offers from and for its members, including the organization of panel talks and events, as well as qualification measures in topic-oriented workshops.

All board members, leaders of working groups, and other people working for the association continue to be self-employed and do not receive any compensation for their voluntary work. Two of the four board members are already part of the Uplink community! 🙌

If you are interested in a membership, you can find more information on their website.

How will the collaboration with DBITS e.V. look like in practice?

Initially we will focus on the following topics:

Professional cooperation and joint publication of articles - DBITS publishes a detailed article on current market developments each month. We want to work together on these topics concerning the development of the freelancer market and independent work models in general. Our main topics are fake self-employment (Scheinselbständigkeit), retirement provisions, and insurance protection for freelancers.

Joint webinars and events - Another key aspect of our cooperation will be the joint organization of virtual events such as webinars and on-site events (as soon as those are possible again).

Cross promotion of our activities - We will mutually promote our campaigns and thereby increase each other’s reach.

If you have further questions about the cooperation or would like to get involved, ping Nick in Slack!