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Covid-19 resources for freelancers in Germany

Manuel Meurer
21. Apr 2020 1 Minute
Numerous companies have put current projects on hold and are trying to keep expenses as low as possible, which has had an immediate effect on the income of freelancers. In case you are one of them, you can find information about receiving government grants and loans here:

Corona-Soforthilfen für Selbständige, Freiberufler und Künstler - Alle Bundesländer im Überblick! (inkl. Youtube-Videos)

Finanzielle Unterstützung von Startups und KMU in der Covid-19 Krisenlage - Factsheet für Startups und KMUs:https://www.pwc.de/de/startups/finanzielle-unterstuetzung-von-startups-und-kmu-in-der-covid-19-krisenlage.pdf

KfW coronavirus aid: loans for companies:

Last but not least: our partner Kontist offers a 45-minute appointment for the price of 79€ (39€ if you’re a member of Kontist). The consultants will help you to choose and apply for the right funding opportunity.
Get a personalized consultation to help you get the Corona Aid you are entitled to:https://calendly.com/kontist-service

The Uplink Team wishes you all the best during these challenging times! Let’s stand together and support each other as well as we can, so we’ll come out stronger on the other side!