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Finding a freelancer

We will help you find a freelancer from our community that matches your requirements!

Where are the freelancers based?

We don't believe in outsourcing IT projects. From our experience, the best work is done by a team that regularly connects with each other in person. Therefore, all freelancers in the Uplink community are full-time professionals based in Germany.

We do believe in working remotely, though! In most cases, a freelancer will be more productive if - after a kickoff meeting or an initial onsite period - she is allowed to work remotely, if she prefers to do so.

  • Everything IT: Developers, DevOps, QA, PM, Scrum etc.
  • Located in Germany
  • German- or English-speaking
  • No agencies, but single freelancers or small teams

How can I post a job?

What happens after my job is posted?

  • Candidates apply
  • We vet them (no coding test)
  • We introduce them to you
  • etc.

How are candidates introduced to me?

  • Via our client backend
  • You only have 48 hours to respond (why?)

Why do I only have a limited time to respond to a freelancer introduction?

Before we introduce a freelancer to you, we talk to them in detail about the project, the required skills. and the conditions (onsite/remote, fulltime/parttime, start date, duration etc.). When the freelancer then tells us that he is interested and available, we need to act quickly and schedule a first interview!

The main reason is that, most of the time, the freelancer is talking to multiple clients at the same time, so the faster a first interview can be arranged (and an offer can be made afterwards), the better! Responding quickly to our introduction of a freelancer shows that you value his time and commitment, and are ready to go ahead with the project.

For those reasons, our introductions normally expire after 48 hours (weekends and holidays excluded).

It can always happen that you need more time, in which case we ask you to let us know via the "I need more time" button that is visible above the freelancer profile. Please don't let the introduction expire without acting, since the freelancer is waiting for feedback from you!